Sport popsy Slim works hard in the exercise room in fish-net dark pantyhose

Topless pantyhose sports girl with a dumbbell

If you are confident that svelte angels do not dream of becoming slimmer, you are just mid right. Cuz some airy-fairy (and even flimsy) chickies never desist fantasizing to lose weight – and this bare-breasted fitness seductress Slim is a specimen of the fitness rats. And this pussycat, btw, is mad about stretching and curving in fishnets!

Girl in pantyhose exercising on a sport bench

Usually, Slim does exercises without titbag. Being garbed in only pantyhose, she performs several standing warm-ups and, afterward, focuses on the sidewise and back lying gymnastics and poising. A set of w-l seated extensions in pantyhose is, btw, a component of Slim’s gym routine. Wow, what a lusting after thinness!

Wide-legged seated pantyhose exercises

Let’s perform several panty-hose gymnasium workouts together with Slim – go and download her complete movie at!

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